About Nonie's Place, children’s grief house

For over 40 years, Covenant Care has provided certified clinical therapy and counseling to children suffering from grief and loss. Now, Nonie’s Place, our new children’s grief house, will act as a centralized resource center where children and families learn to grieve and heal. Specially designed for children ages 5-18, families living throughout Northwest Florida can receive mental health services addressing their grief at no cost to the family.

All programs at Nonie’s Place are funded through generous contributions ensuring that services are free to all children in need.

The Story Behind the Name

To honor their grandmother’s vision of creating a brighter future for the youngest and most vulnerable in our community, The Kugelman Family Foundation has named Covenant Care’s new children’s grief house; Nonie’s Place.
A place full of laughs, hugs, encouragement, and love is exactly the kind of place that Jane Lauter, Sara Ryan, and the Kugelman family remember when visiting their own grandmother, Jane Kugelman.  
Affectionally know as “Nonie”, Jane Kugelman lost her father at a very young age.  She spoke often about her loss, and how the worry and emotions weigh heavily on her as a child.
We are grateful to the Kugelman family for sponsoring this much-needed service for grieving children in our community. Nonie’s Place will be a source of comfort and healing, providing hope for families in Northwest Florida for generations to come.
To honor their grandmother’s vision of creating a brighter future for the youngest and most vulnerable in our community, The Kugelman Family Foundation has named Covenant Care’s new children’s grief house; 𝘕𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘦’𝘴 𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦!

“Our grandmother, affectionately known to us as ‘Nonie’ lost her father at a very young age. She spoke often about her loss, and how the worry and emotions weighed heavily on her as a child.” 

-Jane Lauter, President of the Kugelman Family Foundation

Meet the team

Destini Davis
Children’s Support Specialist

Aaron West
Executive Director

Thank you to all our donors

Nonie Donation Chart
Nonie floor plan
Nonie Floor Plan Vertical

More Opportunities for giving

Nonie’s Place can only achieve its goals with the assistance of generous donations from members of our community. Consider giving to Nonie’s Place today, so that our children have a place to heal tomorrow. To learn more, please contact Aaron West at 850-328-4403